2021 Indiana Logger of the Year
Werner Sawmill, Inc., Jasper, Indiana is the 2021 Indiana Logger of the Year. Tim and Luke Werner accepted the award at the Tree Farm Breakfast at the Indiana Hardwood Lumberman’s Association (IHLA) convention in Indianapolis, Indiana on February 8, 2022. Werner was selected for professionalism, communication, soil and water conservation, concern for long-term sustainability, and training. Their annual production is about 4 million board feet of sawlogs and 40,000 tons of pulpwood.2021 Indiana Logger of the Year, Werner Sawmill, Inc., Jasper, Indiana, Tim Werner (left) and Luke Werner (right)
Werner is noted for excellent utilization including veneer, grade logs, pallet dimension, and chipping. Consulting foresters reference the precision directional felling that reduces damage to residual trees. They use a full complement of equipment including chain saws, dozer, feller buncher, log loaders, and skidders.
Werner uses a strategic approach to remove pulpwood and sawtimber to protect soil and water, preplan skidding, and protecting residual trees. To minimize erosion Werner uses tree branches to create a matting to stop soil movement. They utilize bridges to cross small streams. Upon completion of the operation waterbars are installed, and skid roads and log landings are seeded and mulched.
Training has been in integral part of the success of Werner. They have participated in cutter 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 training, skidder training, best management practices training, and medic first aid and CPR training. Crew members are outfitted with chaps, hard hats, reflective clothing, and steel-toed boots.
Werner is responsive to requests from the consultant and landowner. The staff is attentive, courteous, and respectful to the land owners and their land. Werner was nominated by John Stambaugh of Stambaugh Forestry and Pete Halstead of Indiana Forestry Educational Foundation, Inc.
Logger of the Year is sponsored by Indiana Tree Farm to recognize outstanding professionalism in sustainable forestry practices. Awardees are selected by Indiana Tree Farm Committee which consists of 30 members representing a cross section of forestry professionals in Indiana.
Ken Day is a retired forester and former Woodland Steward Institute board member. Prior to his retirement, he most recently served as Forest Supervisor for the USDA Forest Service, Hoosier National Forest.