Indiana Terrestrial Invasive Species Rule Update

The Natural Resources Commission (NRC) has preliminarily adopted a new rule designed to remove 44 invasive plants from trade inside Indiana. The decision only starts the deliberative rules process. It does not put a new rule into effect. This rule would make the sale, transportation, introduction or distribution of these plants illegal. According to the DNR announcement published July 17, 2018, “Indiana land managers (private and public) spend an estimated $8.6 million dollars in managing invasive plants on an annual basis. Invasive species in Indiana regularly move into the forest. This restricts the ability of trees to regenerate as essential nutrients and sunlight are blocked and being utilized by invasive species that are able to regenerate earlier in the successional process.”

The list of prohibited plant species include tree of heaven, garlic mustard, autumn olive, wintercreeper and many more. It does NOT include Callery pear or Norway maple. Callery pear and Norway maple were not included at this time because of a large negative economic impact on the nursery industry. These were removed at this time to allow the rule to continue to move forward and get the other 44 targeted plants on a do not sell list. The Indiana Invasive species Council is working to get Callery pear or Norway maple added to this list as they should be. They are considering a phase out period for these plants to mitigate the economic impact to the industry. This would allow growers to liquidate existing inventories to minimize the impact of the Rule on their businesses. The NRC is taking public comments from now until November 2018. Public hearings will take place in November 2018, final decision in January 2019, and taking effect in April 2019.

For more information about the proposed rule including the timeline, public hearing announcements and comment, visit Information is listed at the bottom of the page under “Terrestrial Invasive Plants” rule.